Thursday, January 17, 2013

And...the girls have arrived :)

Being pregnant with two babies was the hardest thing I've had to go through. When people asked me how I was doing...and I replied "I cry every night"...and I really did cry every night. It was so much stress and pain on my entire body. The only girls that can relate with what I went through would be those who have had twins themselves. I planned to work right up until December 21st, which was the last day of school before Christmas break. I was scheduled for my 3rd non-stress test that Friday morning before I went to teach my PM Class at Granby. After the test was done, the midwive came in and showed me I was having contractions and wanted to check me to see if I was in labor. I was blind-sided...even though I knew it was possible to have them early...I wasn't scheduled for my c-section until January 18th. She checked me and I was 3 centimeters dialiated and 90% effaced...she said my membraines were buldging (which meant my water was about to break) and she felt a hand and fingers! It seriously hit me like a brick. I was all alone and did not expect to hear all that! I told her I had to go to was my last day and she looked at me like I was crazy and said I needed to go to the hospital immediately. I had my mom's car that van was getting an oil change at the shop so she was home alone with the kids. Jim was in Syracuse I told them I was going to the hospital to get checked and headed there...well after a short stop at Granby school to drop off Christmas party stuff haha! I got there and the nurses knew right away these babies were coming. I was hooked up to monitor contractions for a couple hours and too see if my labor was progressing. I went to 4-5 centimeters and 100% effaced. My contractions got pretty bad for the last hour. Jim got there and was with me the last 2 hours. They finally made the decision to take me in for delivery around 4-4:30pm. I was prepped and my mom walked in just in time to see me off. Miss Emry Violet was born at 6pm weighing in at 5 lbs. 12 oz and Miss Paisley Mae was born at 6:02pm weighing in at 5 lbs. 11 oz. After delivery, the babies did perfect..we were concerned that at 35 weeeks 1 day they would need some extra support and may end up at Crouse in Syracuse...but that wasn't the case...they both did amazing and only needed blow-bye oxygen :) I opted to have my tubes tied while I was in for my surgery. This was a hard decision that I still struggle with today....but I know I made the right choice and 5 kids is a lot to take care of and support financially. I only expected to have 4 kids..and was blessed with an I am beyond grateful for that. I had such an unexpected miscarriage last January...and to have these two little babies come at the end of the very same year was something. I feel like my Heavenly Father gave me back that little spirit who tried to make his/her way into our family. I honestly didn't think I would be able to have anymore babies after that miscarriage. When I got pregnant for the girls...I bled every day for the first trimester and every time I would think that was the end of the pregnancy. I prayed every night to allow my body to carry this pregnancy to term and have two healthy babies come out in the end. Thankfully my prayers were answered. The girls are beautiful and I couldn't be happier having TWO precious baby girls.

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