Thursday, October 4, 2012

So many updates!

It's been a while! I know I have more pictures to post...just gotta find them! Tristan started first grade! He was super excited and gave me weird cheesy smiles in every picture. He was happy to get the teacher he wanted, Mrs. Salerno and to find out his buddies Brock, Gavin and Jacob were in his class too. Easton was sad to not be going too. I decided to hold him back an extra year before Kindergarten. He is going 3 days a week to the YMCA 5's program. They swim once a week and that's what he loves the most! Easton turned 5 on Sept. 26!!! He was so thrilled he would finally be 5 and thought when he actually turned 5 he would get to go to Kindergarten. I had to explain that he had to wait until next year...which he still doesn't get lol! We went to pizza hut for dinner and cake with some of his buddies. Tristan was so upset that Easton got new toys and things he wanted. It was hard not to laugh at him pouting and sitting alone while Easton opened presents! We got Easton a digital camera ( a kid one) because he had been asking for one ever since Tristan got one for his last birthday. He now takes pictures of EVERYTHING including me sitting on the toilet...which quickly got erased ;) Onto the TWINS update :) Jimmy, my mom and the kids all went with me into my anatomy sono. Baby A is a GIRL....AND Baby B is a GIRL!!!!!! I never expected to hear that both were girls! Tristan and Brinley are thrilled...Easton not so much. He was hoping for a little brother. Everything looked good with both babies. Of course their heartbeats were the same...154. I sent a picture of the 2 pink outfits to FB and in text messages to my close friends. I think everyone was in shock to hear they were both girls :) We are excited and can't wait until they arrive! The sono pictures are at 18 weeks. The belly picture of me is at 20 weeks.

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