Saturday, January 8, 2011

Santa Baby...

As usual...Santa always spoils our family. He was VERY good to us all this year hehe...I think it gets more exciting as the kids get older. There's nothing better than the anticipation of going to sleep Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa to come!!!
This year Ryan & Amanda & Grandpa all spent the night so they would be here bright and early for breakfast and presents. Christmas Eve brought us all some special pajamas and a movie to watch together. After we read "The Night Before Christmas" together, we watched "Dispicable Me".

Christmas morning we had our traditional yummy cinnimon rolls..mmm

I got the honor of opening the first Christmas present....Jimmy got me a DSLR camera that I've been wanting and he wanted me to be able to take pictures with it :)
This year we celebrated alone. Ryan & Amanda had dinner plans with her family. My mom made the YUMMIEST turkey dinner yet and we pretty much lounged. We opened toys and put them together...then opened more toys and put them together lol. Brinley was not thrilled to open gifts. She actually left 3 of them unwanted by the tree all day. I left one of them to see how long it would last without someone tearing it open....well....we opened it yesterday finally!!! I was tempted to save it for her birthday...oh well!

Christmas day just isn't what it used to be. Celebrating with aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins... These days everyone has their own growing families. So many of our loved ones have passed away. My Grandma Drake, my dad, my nana, my uncle mark....families have changed structures....I guess it's time for new traditions to begin with my own little family.

I love my family so much and am one lucky girl to have them.


Anonymous said...

Pozdrawiając zaprasza Ciebie autor tego tekstu do współpracy przy tworzeniu i ukonstytuowaniu Konstytucji Mieszkańców Planety Ziemia, która ma zepewnić Tobie środki do szczęśliwego życia.

aji-anagadini said...

I like this family.....