Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 Years Today

August 20, the Palmyra NY Mom & Dad were sealed as a couple....then Jimmy & I (pregnant with Tristan) were sealed as a couple...and then my family...Mom, Dad, Ryan & I were all sealed as a family...this is the day our families were made eternal...this is the day my brother finally slipped his mission papers under my Dad's pillow...this day was meant to happen exactly when it Dad was 42 years old...and died the following Nov. at 43...there's no doubt in my mind that I will be with him Heavenly Father knew exactly what needed to happen...and what would happen...and now I know why it was so so important for this day to happen when it did. Tristan was the little soul who... as he was waiting to come to Earth...influenced all of us to make this decision and make it a reality.


Holly Steffen said...

awww so sweet.

Beverly B. said...

We move here 4 years ago this month. I've been meaning to post about it. So much has happened since then. I'm glad that you were able to be sealed together while you dad was still with us.